Ready to Launch A New YOU

Whether 2021 is yet another year OR a Life Changer depends on you.
Sessions: 10 | Price: 1500 Chf

The lowest points in your life are almost always the points of emergence of your light. The problem is you are so focused on the darkness around, what lies within barely gets a chance

The continued uncertainty and unpredictability takes its toll whether you are feeling lost, over anxious, unable to focus, lack of time or are dealing with difficult people, troubled relationships, apathy or are simply confused, know that you no longer need to remain in the undesired state that you find yourself in, you have the power to ride over and lead truly inspired and fulfilled lives even in these challenging times.

Sometimes what you know within is not sufficient, you need to hear it from someone else, for it to sink in deep.

Having traversed the path of self discovery for almost a decade myself, I have evolved from being an overwhelmed, unconscious, workaholic and a restless corporate executive to being truly inspired, running a compassionate, purpose driven and life enhancing business. I completely transformed my life and I can help you with yours.

I encourage you to dive deep within, using my expertise to ignite the spark of self discovery.

What Will You Choose - Stagnation or GROWTH?

During our coaching calls together we will:

  • Explore where you are, where you would like to be.
    Discover the roadblocks or deterrents that you face.
  • Figure out ways to overcome these barriers.
    Learn techniques and strategies to establish a new paradigm.
  • Inspire you to keep the momentum going.
  • Empower you with the exact knowhow on being the CREATOR of your own life.

Personally I have thrived through challenges. Having lived in 15 cities in 4 different countries across 3 continents I am not a stranger to the new and unknown. I have realized wherever you are in life, CHANGE is always possible and always starts inside yourself. But having someone to guide you on this journey makes all the difference.

You Are Unique

So shall be our work together: Distinctly customized for your present life situation, individual requirements and aspirations, especially curated to help you:

  • find ease
  • gain perspective
  • set priority
  • take action
  • stay committed
  • be your own resource
  • initiate the transformative process
  • feel empowered

Whether 2021 is yet another year OR a Life Changer depends on you. If you deeply desire to change your Life you will need to Rise Up & Shine! 

Customers Reviews

Dr. Manjusha Prasad, Zug, Switzerland

Four weeks ago, I embarked on a journey with Swasti to seek my ultimate purpose and progress toward achieving my life goals. I have to admit that it has been a life changing experience to say the least. Looking inward, being more perceptive, to become more self-aware of oneself, and to listen to one’s heart; I have experienced these subtle and yet powerful shifts in myself. I have, over the last weeks, been engulfed in an overwhelming sense of positivity. I am finding the answers that have eluded me for years. I also realized that in the past, I was seeking answers by looking outside while all I had to do was to look deep within. Swasti’s sessions are helping me organize myself and complete even tasks that often have felt overwhelming. The energy exercises at the end, leaves me lighter and more energized. My one-on-one sessions with her are eye opening, and help me identify the hurdles and bottlenecks, all too often of my own creation, and work to overcome them. My biggest learning has been that my feeling of people’s expectations from me was wearing me down, and all the while, I was doing the same to those around me. While I may still have miles to go, I am glad that when I turn back, I can see that I have left the walls of my prison behind. Thank you Swasti. Wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Dr. Manjusha Prasad, Zug, Switzerland

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