CALM: Creating A Life Mindfully

Awake Present Aware | 1.45-2 Hrs Session

A 4 week online course for anyone desiring to shift from an autopilot mode of living to a more conscious one.

Is your mind driving you crazy?
Do you find it difficult to focus, stick to a task, fall asleep?
Do you spend more time worrying about the future or perhaps thinking about the past than appreciating the present?

Our faculties of imagination and memory that are supposed to be our biggest allies are the biggest bane for most humans when it comes to living joyfully.
We are desperately trying to control external factors whereas what we could exercise most control over, simply lies unattended in plain sight.

What does the program do?

CALM is a four week course based on the core principles of mindfulness. During these four weeks you will:

..Lay the foundation: understand what is mindfulness and the scope of being mindful

..Be a student: learn a new mindfulness practice each week

..Integrate your learning: practice mindfulness in a specific way during the week

..Champion the cause: actively inquire, share and contribute to your CALM community

But I don’t have time or energy! Does this sound like you?

Then this is the very reason you need to join CALM. Life is not just about moving from one task to the other mindlessly. It is much more and beyond waking up, making a living and going off to sleep.

I am just exhausted, doing online training and not making use of them? Or is this you? I totally get it. I honestly do!

Unfortunately times call for not detesting rather embracing this new, rapidly expanding way of learning. Though we are learning remotely and from the comfort of our own homes, does not mean we need to be isolated and alienated in our learning-teaching endeavours. This is the sole reason CALM is not a pre-recorded course. It is going to be a live, in-person, online course where you’ll be able to share your mindful journey with others in real time.

If you need reasons to join CALM here’re some more:

  • Improve focus and attention
  • Regulate stress levels
  • Helps control impulsive and reactive behaviour
  • Understand inner conflict and make peace
  • Gain clarity and connection
  • Rewire your brain
  • Develop more amicable relationships
  • Get out of your mind and actually start experiencing and living life in real-time

CALM: Create a Life Mindfully is designed to flow organically from one week to the other. Though the intention is to keep it dynamic and fluid it still embraces a structure and framework that is a crucial element of learning and imbibing.


  • All sessions entail learning, practice, sharing and homework segments.
  • Participants are expected to make time beyond the class- session time on a daily basis for a minimum of 20 minutes dedicated to fulfil the home assignments.
  • Committing to dedicating a minimum of 20 minutes each day is the core for forming a new CALM way of life.

Clients' Reviews

Viraj Engineer, Gurugram, India

I would like to narrate my fulfilling experiences of HEALING with Swasti that have impacted me and my family. One of my experiences with her is when I was diagnosed with Cancer the second time and had to undergo a major surgery to remove it followed by Radiation Therapy. During both the treatments, which took a heavy toll on my health I not only managed to handle it but also heal myself completely. This was possible only because of Swasti’s continuous guidance and relentless support. In fact during the radiation therapy even the doctors were surprised on how I was responding to the treatment with so much positive energy and that the usual side effects of skin burns and nausea were also remarkably less according to my doctors. And all these sessions were happening remotely where she would either talk to me or to my husband who would then communicate to me. After all these years of working with her I can see clearly how my thought patterns of the past have influenced my present. I have learnt the skill of letting go of all that does not serve me. I have made peace with my past and feel liberated from within. Swasti’s keen sense and ability to move her clients towards the root cause of the problem at hand is extraordinary!

Viraj Engineer, Gurugram, India
Monika Gupta, Zurich, Switzerland

I have enjoyed Swasti’s group meditation sessions. After every session, I felt a sense of calmness and was motivated to continue practicing meditation. Her meditation technique is pretty practical and hence easy to understand and practice. I would definitely recommend others to come and try out her sessions. “I have known her for seven years and have found in her a joyful, easily approachable and a dependable friend. Her suggestions have been value laden, unbiased and always offer a new perspective for me.

Monika Gupta, Zurich, Switzerland

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